A Gallery. Naturally.

Visit with us at the Fall Art Show!

We’ll have Pottery and Art prints featuring The Harrington Barn series and local youth artists
The Fall pumpkin patch and mini ghosties will be out for the season along with some
beautiful new tableware.

See you there!

Tiana Johnston

Founder, Veteran, & Contributing Artist

Tiana is an award-winning, self-taught artist and adaptive arts specialist. She works across a wide spectrum using many different mediums to carry her ideas, including photography, fiber, and pottery/ceramics. The feedback she receives from her physical body during her art sessions is invaluable. Each piece is a unique visual representation of her accomplishments in those moments. Tiana hopes to continue to make meaningful art for as many years as her body will help her do it. Using art as therapy has allowed her to maintain a quality of life that would otherwise be unachievable.